Transform Your Classroom with Story-Based Learning!
SEL and Financial Literacy Video-Guided Lessons for K-5 Classrooms and Beyond
Discover the Impact Green Our Planet Studios Can Have in Your Classroom Today!
See how our SEL + Science and Financial Literacy lessons inspire students to learn and grow. Access our free trial to explore engaging, video-guided content that helps students reach their full potential.

Effortless, Expert-Led Lessons for Busy Educators
Green Our Planet Studios’ video lessons are ready to teach with a single click. These award-winning videos cover essential topics—SEL, science, and financial literacy—so teachers don’t have to be subject experts.
Engaging Learning, Real-World Skills
Green Our Planet Studios uses character-driven storytelling to engage students, helping them to better grasp abstract ideas and build critical life skills. From SEL and brain science to foundational financial literacy, our video lessons make complex topics easy to understand and retain, preparing students for success both academically and personally.

Engaging Learning, Real-World Skills
Green Our Planet Studios uses character-driven storytelling to engage students, helping them to better grasp abstract ideas and build critical life skills. From SEL and brain science to foundational financial literacy, our video lessons make complex topics easy to understand and retain, preparing students for success both academically and personally.
See for Yourself!
K-2 SEL + Science Adventures Sneak Peek
See how young learners remember key concepts through engaging, character-based stories that teach social-emotional skills and fundamental science.
Grade 3-5 SEL + Science Adventures Sneak Peek
Discover how our storytelling approach helps grade 3-5 students build empathy and social awareness while also learning where our emotions come from.
Financial Literacy Adventures Sneak Peek
Equip students with lasting financial skills through relatable, story-driven lessons that show the importance of smart decision-making.
Financial Literacy Adventures Music Video
Join Quasar, an intergalactic character, as he makes learning about money management fun and memorable through music and storytelling.
Green Our Planet Studios’ K-5 Video-Guided Lessons are Student and Educator-Approved!
“The students are using the language. They’re remembering the characters and remembering the lessons.”
Leticia Cummings
Cartwright Elementary School
“Green Our Planet Studios’ SEL video-guided curriculum is a game-changer in addressing the social-emotional and academic needs of students. The content is incredibly engaging, blending interactive video lessons with real-world scenarios that resonate deeply with students.”
Melody Hawkins
Knox County Schools
“The video was fun and engaging. Their day focuses on managing emotions and having a growth mindset. They liked seeing this in different situations in the video lessons.”
Dawn Wallace
Dondero Elementary School