Making Learning Enjoyable and Engaging for Every Student

Video-Guided Lessons for SEL, Brain Science, and Financial Literacy That Inspire and Empower
Green Our Planet Studios delivers innovative, story-based video learning solutions to equip your students with real-life skills that will last for a lifetime. Our character-driven videos increase student engagement, save teachers time, and deliver expert-created lessons in subject areas many educators are not experts in.
Bring SEL, brain science, and financial literacy to life, sparking curiosity and growth, helping students build both academic knowledge and social-emotional skills for a well-rounded education.
Our K-5 Solutions
SEL + Science Adventures
Our K-5 SEL + Science Adventures integrate social-emotional learning with brain science and core scientific concepts through character-driven storytelling. Studies confirm that story-based learning promotes 21st-century skills and improves students’ critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration skills. Our videos foster empathy, teamwork, and responsibility, helping students connect emotionally and intellectually.
Key Benefits
- Combines SEL and science for cross-curricular learning
- Utilizes award-winning storytelling to captivate and improve retention
- Promotes empathy, social responsibility, and environmental awareness
Financial Literacy Adventures
Our Financial Literacy Adventures introduce young learners to essential money skills through interactive, story-driven videos that make learning practical and memorable. Studies show that teaching financial literacy at an early age helps students develop responsible money habits that last a lifetime. Our lessons help students build foundational skills like saving, budgeting, and understanding value — skills they can carry with them into adulthood.
Key Benefits
- Builds foundational financial literacy skills from an early age
- Simplifies complex financial concepts through engaging storytelling
- Delivers lessons that make real-world applications easy to understand
Financial Literacy Adventures
Our Financial Literacy Adventures introduce young learners to essential money skills through interactive, story-driven videos that make learning practical and memorable. Studies show that teaching financial literacy at an early age helps students develop responsible money habits that last a lifetime. Our lessons help students build foundational skills like saving, budgeting, and understanding value — skills they can carry with them into adulthood.
Key Benefits
- Builds foundational financial literacy skills from an early age
- Simplifies complex financial concepts through engaging storytelling
- Delivers lessons that make real-world applications easy to understand
Teachers and Students Love Our K-5 Video-Guided Solutions!
“The students are using the language. They’re remembering the characters and remembering the lessons.”
Leticia Cummings
Cartwright Elementary School
“Green Our Planet Studios’ SEL video-guided curriculum is a game-changer in addressing the social-emotional and academic needs of students. The content is incredibly engaging, blending interactive video lessons with real-world scenarios that resonate deeply with students.”
Melody Hawkins
Knox County Schools
“The video was fun and engaging. Their day focuses on managing emotions and having a growth mindset. They liked seeing this in different situations in the video lessons.”
Dawn Wallace
Dondero Elementary School