Start Your Free Trial
Unlock Engaging, Story-Driven Learning with Our Free Trial
At Green Our Planet Studios, we believe in the power of storytelling to make learning memorable and impactful. Our video-guided lessons are designed to captivate K-5 students, combining Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) with Science and Financial Literacy to foster essential life skills.
Why Our Video-Guided Lessons Are So Effective:
- Ready-to-Teach: Our video-guided lessons require no additional preparation, allowing educators to focus on facilitating meaningful discussions.
- Standards-Aligned: All content meets educational standards, ensuring quality and relevance in every lesson.
- Engaging Storytelling: Character-driven narratives make complex concepts accessible and enjoyable for young learners.

What’s Included in Your Free Trial:
- SEL + Science Adventures:
- Grades K-2: Explore emotions and their management through engaging stories and scientific concepts.
- Grades 3-5: Dive deeper into emotional intelligence and the science behind feelings with our character-driven narratives.
- Financial Literacy Adventures:
- Grades 4-5: Introduce students to foundational financial concepts, teaching them the value of money and smart decision-making through relatable stories.
- SEL + Science Adventures:
Engaging, Story-Driven Lessons That Inspire and Empower K-5 Students
Why Educators Love Green Our Planet Studios’ SEL + Science Adventures
- Backed by Research – Studies confirm that storytelling enhances comprehension and memory, making it a powerful tool for teaching SEL and science concepts.
- Effortless Integration – Green Our Planet Studios’ video-led lessons are designed to support busy educators, providing a seamless way to teach vital skills without additional prep.
- Trusted Nationwide – Join the 1,000+ schools that use Green Our Planet Studios to create meaningful learning experiences for their students.