Your pricing for Green Our Planet’s K-5 SELf Success solution
Your price: $999 for school-wide access!

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A note from our CEO
Dear educator,
I am thrilled you are interested in bringing our one-of-a-kind video-guided SEL lessons into your classroom.
As a multiple Emmy-Award-winning documentary filmmaker, I know the power that film can have on transporting young people to places they have never been and to give them new perspectives.
We created Green Our Planet Studios with the mission of making teaching easier and taking students on learning adventures they will never forget.
Our cross-curricular lessons combine social emotional learning with STEM to teach your students how our bodies produce feelings and how we can help our bodies and minds respond to them.
The feedback we’ve received from teachers, counselors, and students has been nothing short of remarkable.
We look forward to working with you to help you bring key social emotional learning skills to life in your classroom through the power of character-driven short films.
Thank you,
Kim MacQuarrie
Green Our Planet Studios CEO

Want to explore our SELf Success solution further?
Use the form below to contact our team with any questions you may have or to request a demo of our dynamic cross-curricular video-guided SEL lessons!